Enoughisenough - when I was studying I was detecting anomalies. The sister I was studying with said to me, "when you say things, I think 'no'. Then I go away and think about it and I realize you are right."
I knew the Bible quite well and the sister who was taking my study was sincere. THEREFORE out of the blue two elders attended my study, one after the other to skew things.
For whatever reason I was never taught about parousia. I studied during the early 1990s but never heard the word parousia until 2006. The immediate effect was to wake me up big time. What I did not know was whether they taught this stuff with bad intentions or because they themselves were confused but meant well.
Incidentally in the old NWT (ie not the grey one) every single mention of the word 'presence' cross ref'd to Appendix 5B which 100% contracted WT's parousia doctrine. I pointed this out in a letter I sent to HQ. I actually got a reply. Some years later as you know the RNWT (ie the grey Bible) came out. And lo and behold Appendix 5B had disappeared. So they kept the stupid teaching but removed the sensible information.